Is Video Gaming Taking Over Your Child’s Life?

Video games can be a great diversion—especially with all the extra time kids are spending indoors and at home. But how much gaming is too much?

Join Katherine Winter-Sellery, founder of the 90 Day Parenting Reset Program, and Cam Adair, founder of Game Quitters and a former gaming addict, to learn about the warning signs and very real dangers of video game addiction.



Here's what you'll learn during the webinar:

What emotional needs gaming may be fulfilling for your child.

Why risky gaming may be an indicator for other mental health concerns.

How to change the environment instead of trying to change your kid.

Whether being an “abstainer” or “moderator” is the right approach.

The “right” amount of time your child should spend gaming each day.

How to set reasonable guidelines for gaming with the entire family.

Who is Cam Adair?

Cam Adair is an international speaker and entrepreneur who is widely hailed as a leading expert on video game addiction. He is best known as the founder of Game Quitters, a support community for gamers from 95 countries.

Cam also co-founded INTENTA with a mission to equip mental health professionals with resources on digital disorders. His work has been published in Psychiatry Research, and been featured in New York Times Magazine, Forbes, BBC, NPR, CNN and more. In 2017, he was named one of Canada’s Leaders in Mental Health.



Nathan SoliaElite Personal Trainer

Prior to attending Katherine’s class I had a good relationship with my kids. After attending class I have a GREAT relationship! I learnt how to calm my children when they are raging, how to make them want my advice, how to get them to solve problems for themselves. Of course, it’s not all upside – my wife can barely conceal her envy of the relationship I have with my boys now! Fortunately the skills Katherine armed me with are equally applicable to understanding and communicating with my wife!

Cindy Miller StephensInternational Author

I tried every technique and trick there was and I felt that none of them worked consistently and not one brought any changes or relief to me or to my children. In desperation and with little hope, I registered for my first class with Katherine Winter-Sellery and it changed my life, my relationship with my children, my family and most importantly – myself. This may be the most profound journey you will ever take. Katherine is a brilliant orator, an empath, a motivator, a friend, a mentor and an inspiration.

John Buck

It’s hard not to use superlatives when describing both Katherine and her course. From the first gentle insight, to her room filling laugh, and all the way through to her compassion and knowing, Katherine opens your mind and heart to possibility. She fills her classes with love, encouragement and sincerity, and makes it possible to make sense of what seems endlessly frustrating.


This course opened my eyes to seeing the world through my children’s eyes. I feel that the course has empowered me in many ways – to stop and decide how to react to my children, to help them learn how to cope with difficult situations and to deepen my understanding of their feelings. I hope that these small but vital changes in parenting style will allow us to grow closer as parent and child but also allow my sons to develop as confident young boys, with a healthy dose of self-esteem. Katherine is an inspirational and knowledgeable teacher and I really loved listening to her each week.

Cindy Miller Stephens

I have taken every course Katherine has ever offered that I could attend. There is always room to connect, to share, to grow but that first step on the road is the hardest and the most profound. I am deeply grateful for my time with Katherine, all that I learned and all that I was able to change in my life with her teaching, her support and her love – which is limitless. Taking Katherine’s course is a gift I gave myself and one that gives back every single day of my life. With grateful heart.


To whom ever is thinking about taking this Conscious and Effective Parenting course with Katherine - it will change the way you think about your children and your relationship with them. I look at this course as a gift to anyone who takes it. It is liberating, challenging and rewarding. Katherine is an inspirational teacher who I loved being in class with. She is wonderful at teaching the material and provokes fantastic conversation within class and you always leave uplifted and inspired.


The first time I took the course was when my daughter was 8 months old. I only knew about rewards and punishments – that was what I was exposed to and what all parents around me used. The effective parenting course led by Katherine opened me to a new world. Specifically, “children are people too” drives home the power of trust, support and respect in the mutual relationship. Katherine’s lively style made the course fun and invigorating.


I felt so fortunate that I got to learn the guidance approach when my child is still young! I found Katherine’s class enlightening as the “results” of this approach are absolutely along the lines of my parenting philosophy. I want my child to have high self-esteem, self control and be compassionate. The respectful approach it takes helps to make the communication more effective, and also allows for a nurturing environment.