The Blog

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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

How Do You Explain Death To Your Child?

There is no subject more difficult to discuss with children and teenagers than dying.


My Son Gets Anxious When We’re Apart

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Hello, Conscious Parent! Welcome to “Dear Katherine,” a Q&A with real-life parents/caregivers. If you’d like to submit a question of your own, email me at Dear Katherine, My son is very nervous whenever we’re apart. When he’s at school, he wants me to be working from home so he knows that I’m there. Even if […]

Is Your Child Suffering From Anxiety? Here’s How You Know

As parents, we need to recognize how these significant events are manifesting in our children.


The 5 Best Parenting Apps You Can Use With Newborns


Parenting newborns can be overwhelming at times as the first year of your child’s birth is crucial to their development

How Attachment Parenting Works With Teens

Moms and dads usually experience Attachment Parenting when their kids are babies.


How To Deal With Rebellion and Resistance In Your Teen


Our children transition from childhood to young adulthood and seek their independence.

5 Ways You Can Ease Working Mom Guilt

Working mom guilt can paralyze us with stress and trigger our instincts of fight or flight


Why What Happened in Your Past Affects Your Ability to Parent Now


You are your child’s first teacher – just as your parents were yours

Help Your Child Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety

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Anxiety is normal during big transitions, but we can’t let our fears keep us from moving forward. As the world continues to change, here are some tips to help you and your family overcome the challenges ahead. 5 Tips for Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety: 1. Talk about it.Worries and fears always seem bigger and scarier […]


5 Tips You Can Use To Implement Guidance Discipline

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There’s an essential distinction between discipline and guidance – parents must know the difference. For starters, when people use the word “discipline,” everyone understands that to mean authoritarian discipline. It doesn’t occur to anyone that there is another way. Discipline is ultimately giving in to authority and guidance is helping the child to find their own […]