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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

Good Parenting Means Resisting the Urge to “Take Over” for Your Kids

Pexels Anastasia Shuraeva 8074610

One of the hardest things about parenthood is letting kids learn on their own without stepping in to “rescue” them. If you’ve. . . peeled yourself away from your child’s clinging embrace on the first day of school  let them cut their own bangs when you knew it would be disastrous helped your doctor hold […]


3 Parenting Shifts to Support Your Teen’s Individuation

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Does your teen suddenly want nothing to do with you?  Are you wondering why your sweet child who once made you rub their back every night until they fell asleep now barely even wants to be seen with you? There’s a scientific reason behind this sudden shift: a complex process known as individuation. It’s Not […]

Why Kids Say “No”—and How to (Occasionally) Get a “Yes”

Pexels Ketut Subiyanto 4546116

Are you tired of hearing the word “no” from your kid? You know how it goes: suddenly your sweet toddler discovers this dreaded two-letter word and begins using it as much as possible—and then keeps using it for the next 16 years! NO, she refuses to eat broccoli for dinner. NO, he won’t put pants […]


Dear Katherine: My toddler won’t stop bugging his older brother!

Nathan Dumlao Vmlc Walt M Unsplash


How to Create Boundaries Between Siblings Hello, Conscious Parent! Welcome to “Dear Katherine,” a monthly Q&A with real-life parents/caregivers. If you’d like to submit a question of your own, email me at Dear Katherine, I’m a mother of two sweet boys, a 6-year-old and a 3-year-old.  Recently, my husband and I have noticed more […]