The Blog

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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

5 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Your Kids Growing Up

Girl on Swing

Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? I don’t remember growing older, When did they? Have you ever seen Fiddler on the Roof?  It’s the tale of a Jewish milkman named Tevye who has five daughters. Those lyrics are from the lullaby he and his wife sing just […]


Is Rewarding Your Child Actually Bad for Them?

Pexels Vanessa Loring 7869134


Imagine having a remote control to manage and direct your kid’s behavior. Clean your room. Done. Do your homework. Done. Go to bed. Done. Wouldn’t life be a breeze? No more nagging. No more heated arguments. No more talking back. It’s a joke of course—or is it?  Life would certainly be easier if our kids […]

You are not alone – Celebrating mental health awareness month

Each year, an average of 150,000 American lives are lost to drug, alcohol, and suicide-related causes.  At the height of the pandemic last year, substance-abuse deaths increased a devastating 18%, christening 2020 the “deadliest year in drug history.” If there’s one thing these numbers tell us, it’s that many of us feel alone. May is […]
