The Blog

Read through our blog

Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

Are You Raising a Spoiled Child?


When your child is giving you a particularly rough time, you might be tempted to compare them to the infamous Veruca Salt.  In the beloved children’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Veruca Salt embodies the cautionary tale of a spoiled child. One pony is not enough—she wants another one. As the Oompa Loompas sing: Who do […]


Be Thankful for Who Your Kids Are—Not Who You Want Them to Be



Here in the United States, we’re a week away from one of our oldest holiday traditions: Thanksgiving. Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving where you’re located, it’s a good opportunity to show some gratitude for all that we have: our homes, our families, our health. As a parent, I know you’re incredibly thankful for the […]

How to Keep Your Kid’s Screen Time (and your sanity!) from Spiralling Out of Control

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The scenario is all-too familiar.  You’re in an important Zoom meeting and need one gloriously uninterrupted hour to focus on work. Despite the fact that it’s 8 in the morning, you hand over the iPad to keep your kid entertained. Or how about this one: Your tween has stopped complaining that they’re bored and started […]


Should Parents Always Present a United Front?

Canva Father Talking To His Son


Did you ever catch that children’s program, Bananas in Pajamas? The main characters are two bananas, B1 and B2, who are identical in every way. They walk the same, talk the same, and very often think the same! B1 and B2 are always aligned, and they live in the kind of harmonious home that could ONLY […]

Worried About Your Child’s Video Game Habits?


Is your child spending too much time playing video games? In the past few years, I’ve heard from many parents who are concerned about their kids’ video game hobby, obsession, or addiction. In a world where we are bombarded with screens–smartphones, iPads, laptops–not to mention Xbox, Game Cube, PS5, Nintendo Switch: How much is too much? I […]


What Every Expectant and New Mom Needs.

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Why is it that women hardly talk about their birth experience? Giving birth is the single most miraculous and most common event that happens in nature. Over 300,000 new babies are born every single day, and yet a lot of mamas go into the process wide-eyed and not knowing what to expect. Lack of knowledge […]