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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

Mom Shaming – How To Deal With People Who Criticize Your Parenting

Happy Family

When you’re trying to do the best job you can to parent, you’ll soon realize that everyone thinks they’re an expert on how you should look after your child. This can relate to a child of any age from a few months to a teenager or young adult. Don’t let the mom-shaming affect your confidence […]


How Do You Cope with A Hyperactive Child

Kid Rain


As every parent of a hyperactive child knows, no two days are the same. While we love our lively offspring with all our hearts, some days make your heart sing, while others can have you on your knees. Knowing how to minimize meltdowns and misunderstandings comes with experience, but with the guidance parenting technique, you […]

What Your Kids Are Really Saying When They Act Up

Luz Fuertes La9ilyr Hpo Unsplash

Don’t you just WISH you knew what your kids were trying to tell you when they’re acting up? Instead of them screaming: “Mom/Dad, I HATE you!” wouldn’t it be great if they could explain: “I’ve got some overwhelming feelings right now. I feel scared and mad and upset. I feel safe when you are here, […]


5 Tips You Can Use To Implement Guidance Discipline

Kid Homeschool


2020 has presented parents with previously unimagined difficulties. The effects of coronavirus and the lockdown are all presenting parenting with new challenges. Keep reading to see why I believe implementing a guidance discipline approach will help ease your stress. Normal temper tantrums at the grocery store now seem even worse than they did at the […]